招收外国留学生简章 Regulation for Admission of Foreign Students to Dezhou University

作者:International Exchange and Cooperation Office时间:2016-09-03点击数:

2)中国汉语水平考试(HSK)应达到三级(含三级)以上。申请者汉语若达不到上述水平,可申请在德州学院学习一年汉语课程。通过汉语水平考试( HSK )后方可申请本科课程。长期/短期汉语语言课程 申请者必须符合中国大学生入学身体条件标准。



1 )申请表:表格必须贴有申请人最近半身免冠照片;

2 )成绩单或毕业证复印件(中文或英文);

3 )申请者的监护人保证书:监护人的姓名、国籍、职业和地址(如果监护人是一个组织,应明确标出该组织的相关信息);

4 )《国际学生体格检查记录》(学习半年及以下学生无需进行体检)

德州学院将把《国际学生体格检查记录》和《德州学院外国留学生留学申请表》一同发给申请者本人。申请人须按照《国际学生外国人体格检查记录》做一次彻底的身体检查,该记录必须标明检查日期、有医生签名和留学生本人照片,并需要官方盖章;扫描上述文件到德州学院国际处;申请人将很快得到回复。如被接纳,申请人将获得《德州学院录取通知书》和《外国留学人员来华学习签证申请表》(JW- 202表)。申请人持JW202表(原件)和德州学院录取通知书(原件),《国际学生体格检查记录》到中国大使馆或领事馆办理留学签证。申请人可凭上述文件和4张护照照片在指定时间内到德州学院国际处办理登记手续(上半年2月26日--5月2日,下半年8月28日--9月1日)。 申请人入境后须购买在华保险。



本科生学制四年,毕业后将授予本科毕业证书和学士学位证书。 汉语语言预备课程学制一年,结业后学生将获得结业证书。 长期/短期汉语语言课程


学费:人民币12,000 -15,000元/年

住宿费: 人民币20元/人/天
生活费: 约人民币1000元/人/月  
注册费: 人民币400元




学费:人民币 12,000元

住宿费: 人民币20元/人/天
生活费: 约人民币1000元/人/月  
注册费: 人民币400元


生活费: 约人民币1000元/人/月  



4类 3个月短期汉语语言课程



生活费: 约人民币1000元/人/月  





Regulation for Admission of Foreign Students to Dezhou University
I.Admission Qualifications
Applicants should have a high school diploma or a form showing high school equivalence. They should be in good physical and mental health without any criminal record.
They should reach at least the 3rd Level of the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK). Undergraduate applicants will learn Chinese for one year if he/she can’t reach the level. After passing the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK), they may apply for undergraduate courses.
Long/Short Term Chinese Language Program
Applicants must meet the health standard of undergraduates in China .

II. Application and Admission Procedures
1. Applicants are welcome to read the “General Regulations of Dezhou University for Enrollment of Foreign Students,” “Application Form” and “Physical Exam Record Form.”
2. Applicants are requested to have the following materials ready after receiving the application Form” from Dezhou University.
Application Form: the forms need to be filled in with the applicant’s latest half-length, full-faced and bareheaded photo attached.
Transcript or a copy of diploma either in English or Chinese.
Letter of guarantee by the applicant’s guardian: the guardian should write out his /her name, nationality, occupation and address (if an organization acts as the guardian, reference to the organization should be made clear.)
Physical Examination Record for Foreigners: the record is mailed to the applicant by Dezhou University along with the Application Form. The Applicant is requested to have a thorough physical check-up in accordance with the Physical Examination Record for Foreigners, which should be dated. with the doctor’s signature and the applicant’s photo attached to it, and officially sealed (not applicale to the foreign students who will do 6 or less than 6 months study in China).
3. Mail the above documents to IECO of Dezhou University.
4. Applicants will soon receive a reply.
If accepted, they will receive an “Admission Notice of Dezhou University” and an “Application Form for Foreign Student Visa” (JW-202 Form) issued by the State Education Department of China. With the JW202 form (the original), Admission Notice of Dezhou University (the original), and the Physical Examination Record for Foreigners, they go to the Chinese Embassy or consulate for a student visa. They can register at the Foreign Affairs Office within the assigned time (from February 26 to May 2 for the first half of the year; from August 28 to September 1 for the second half of the year) with the above documents and 10 passport-sized photos.
Applicants should buy Insurance after the entry.

III. Time for Application
Applicants can apply between March 1 and June 30. Admission notices are mailed out in July. Students can register in early September of the fall semester.
Advanced Students can apply for the Chinese Language Program at any time. The curriculum will be adjusted to their needs.

IV. Length of Program, Completion of Students and Conferring of Degrees
The program runs for 4 years. Upon graduation the undergraduates will be awarded certificates of graduation and academic degrees.
Preparatory Chinese Language Program
The program usually lasts one year. Upon the completion of their course work, students will receive certificates of completion of studies.
Long/Short Term Chinese Language Program
Whoever is interested in learning Chinese can take this program. Upon completing their course work, students will receive certificates of completion of studies.

V.  Standard Fee

Category 1: Undergraduate

Tuition: 12,000-15000 RMB/year

Accommodation fee: 20 RMB /person/ day

Daily life expenses: about 1000 RMB / person/ month

Registration fee: 400 RMB

Teaching Material expenses: Actual Price

Accommodation: A twin-room with air-conditioner, bathroom. Public washing machine and kitchen will be offered.


Category 2: One –year Chinese Language      

Tuition: 12,000 RMB/year

Accommodation fee: 20 RMB /person/ day

Daily life expenses: about 1000 RMB / person/ month

Registration fee: 400 RMB

Teaching Material expenses: Actual Price

Accommodation: A twin-room with air-conditioner, bathroom. Public washing machine and kitchen will be offered.


Category 3: Half-year Chinese Language Program

Tuition: 6000 RMB

Accommodation fee: 20 RMB /person/ day

Daily life expenses: about 1000 RMB / person/ month

Registration fee: 400 RMB

Teaching Material expenses: Actual Price

Accommodation: A twin-room with air-conditioner, bathroom. Public washing machine and kitchen will be offered.


Category 4: Three-month Chinese Language program

Tuition: 5000 RMB

Accommodation fee: 20 RMB /person/day

Daily life expenses: about 1000 RMB /person/ month

Registration fee: 400 RMB

Teaching Material expenses: Actual Price

Accommodation: A twin-room with air-conditioner, bathroom. Public washing machine and kitchen will be offered.

VI. Your Arrival in China
Upon admittance students must adhere to the regulations of Dezhou University.

Contact: International Exchange and Cooperation Office, Dezhou University
Add.: No.566 University Rd. West, Dezhou, Shandong, China

P.C. 253023
Tel: 86 534 8987636 / 8987836 Fax: 86 534 8987836
Website: http://www.dzu.edu.cn


版权所有 (C)2015 德州学院国际交流合作处(港澳台侨办公室、国际教育学院) 电话:0534-8985611 传真:0534-8987836